Refund policy
Refund Policy
At Genie Waterless Carwash, we are committed to delivering high-quality car washing services and products. Please review our Return Policy outlined below:
1. Service Guarantee: We prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to provide exceptional service. If you encounter any issues or are dissatisfied with the service provided by Genie Waterless Carwash please contact us immediately. We will make every effort to address your concerns and rectify any service-related issues.
2. No Refund Policy: Please note that Genie Waterless Carwash does not offer refunds for services rendered. Once a application/booking has been completed, payment for that service is considered final. We encourage customers to communicate any concerns or specific requirements before service commencement to ensure satisfaction.
* Any damages to vehicles post-service or due to the use of Genie Waterless Carwash products should be reported immediately for assessment and resolution.
* Our policies are subject to change or modification without prior notice. Please refer to the most recent version available on our website or contact customer service for updated information.